Giant’s Causeway & a Northern Ireland Hospital

Started out innocently enough! We headed over to Derry (N. Ireland) to visit my cousin Noreen and her family. Such a fun little visit and so nice to see her and little Shannon! Then we were off to spend the afternoon at Giant’s Causeway. It was a fun visit walking on the hexagonal rocks.

I honestly expected an injury there, not in the visitor’s center on the way out. Turns out Ella couldn’t resist trying to swing under the handrail for the handicapped ramp. She overshot her landing and her face made contact with the edge of the (stone) ramp. Ramp- 1, Ella -0. It was pretty terrible looking, split wide open and deep, and the two medics at the visitor’s center were awesome with her. I knew instantly it was going to need stitches (I’m pretty proud of myself – I didn’t even freak out in the slightest at the gaping hole and exposed muscle & even calmly held her chin together til we got it bandaged!), and off to the hospital we went. After a little wait, the doctor came out and stitched her up. So, she comes home from Ireland with six stitches and a story to tell. Plus, we are very thankful to the amazing doctor and staff at Causeway Hospital in Colerain.

Off for a car ferry ride across Lough Foyle and a late dinner before arriving at Trean House B&B up in Malin Head for the evening.

Tomorrow: hopefully a bit less exciting than today. 🙃